It's important to use the standard procedure when paying for goods placed on an order, to avoid the risk of deducting the value from the budget twice.
To find a purchase order
To find and view details for a purchase order:
- From the Transactions menu choose Expenditure and click the Search / Process tab
- Enter some appropriate information to help locate the order you want, for example the Supplier, User order no., Description, Order no., Type (e.g. Outstanding) and Date.
- Click Find orders.
- In the Purchase order list pop-up, select the order you want and click Search / Process (Express orders are marked with 'E' in the Type column).
Details for the selected purchase order are displayed - the ‘Payment transactions’ section lists by date all the transactions associated with the order.
To receive an order
- Find and select the order.
- Click Receive / Amend. The Receive / Amend order pop-up is displayed.
- The overall Nett value of Order lines can be adjusted.
- Enter the amount in the To receive field, and the Additional P&P field if required.
- Click Save. The £ Received column has been updated to reflect the changes.
To pay an order
- Find and select the order.
- Check that there is a P in the Status column to confirm this order is ready for payment.
- Click the pay button.
A Payments pop-up is displayed, listing the order lines and displaying details of the selected line.
Note any warning messages you may need to act on.
- Complete the Transaction details:
- Enter a Reference, amend the Date if necessary, and enter a Description for this payment.
- Enter an Invoice no.
- Choose a Payment type from the drop-down list (e.g. Payment request, BACS payment or Create cheque).
- If you need to amend any values for an order line, edit the appropriate fields.
Note that ticking the 'Pay' header will toggle the Pay amounts to equal 'To pay' or 0.00 - When you have finished, click Pay.
A green message bar confirms that the posting was successful.Payment of an order automatically creates an expenditure transaction.
To make changes to an order
To make changes to an order that has been posted:
- Find and select the order.
- Click Receive / Amend. The Receive / Amend order pop-up is displayed.
- Make the edits you require - you can adjust the Budget, Analysis, Cost centre and Funding stream values until you have paid for part of an order, at which point they are locked.
- Click Save.
To mark an order as complete
Orders are completed automatically when all lines have been paid. However you may sometimes need to complete an order that has not been fully paid, if outstanding commitments are not going to be honoured (for example, if the ordered items could not be supplied).
Completing an order removes associated outstanding figures from budget records and financial summaries, and prevents further access to the order. A completed order cannot be paid.
- Find and select the order.
- Click Complete.
- If you are sure you want to complete the order, click OK.
To print an order
You can print out a purchase order or a summary report of the order status.
- Find and select the order.
- Click Print.
The printed purchase order or a summary report is displayed in the Report viewer.
At any time you can view all the bank account balances, by clicking the green £ side tab at the right.
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