Penny Kidd
Release Notes Overview
All upgrades to Arbor Finance are detailed below. This will help you understand the new functionality and fixes. 6.21.0 Release Date 23/01/25 New Items LA Specific Updates to the Blackburn Ag...
Income sources are the people or organisations you receive payments from, suppliers are the people or organisations you make payments to, and customers are people or organisations you sell to. You ...
Budget Overspend
If you have received a message saying that you do not have enough money left in your budget allocation to purchase items then there are several options. Use a different budget or budget/analysis c...
Analysis with Budget Codes Report
This report is for Analysis and Budget codes. This is only relevant if you have the dual budgeting functionality turned on by Arbor. Arbor Finance reports use pop-ups. Ensure your browser does no...
Budget with Analysis Codes Report
This report is for Budgets with Analysis codes. This is only relevant if you have the dual budgeting functionality turned on by Arbor. Arbor Finance reports use pop-ups. Ensure your browser does ...
Refund and Overpayment
To access this screen go to Transactions > Sales > Refund/Overpayment To see all your customers untick the Show customers with credit on account and click the Search button. There are two action...
Income Transactions
On the Income transactions screen you can post all types of income, including VAT reimbursements. You can enter multiple income lines from the same source in a single transaction if required. You c...
Catalogues are used in conjunction with the purchase ordering and sales invoicing systems to speed up the entry of orders and sales invoices. Each item has its own record, identified by a unique ca...
Cost Centres
Arbor Finance allows you to have the ability to add a cost centre to your transactions and report on Cost Centres to keep track of Expenditure and Income for a particular Cost Centre. Cost Centres ...
Funding Streams
Arbor Finance allows you to have the ability to add a Funding Stream to your transactions and report on Funding Streams to keep track of Expenditure and Income for a particular Funding Stream. Fund...